The Delsarte Project
Three Pillars Arts
The Delsarte Project
(and Willy Barrett)
This site is still under re-construction so stay tuned!
After much difficulty, and a completely new website host, my handout from the ISMETA/NDEO conference of June , 2019 is finally available here on line.
Click here to (link disabled due to a flood of bots. I hope to figure something out to stop that or filter them out once they have joined the mailing list.)
Sign up for the Three Pillars Arts Newsletter
Delsarte has a Facebook page!
Join over 500 members in Three Pillars Arts on Facebook. Let's make it a way for all of us to stay in better communication.
Please read to the bottom of this page for Delsarte News.
"You cannot express in movement anything greater or finer than you yourself are." **Ted Shawn, Modern Dance Founder and Delsarte Teacher
This site is dedicated to correcting the myths about the teachings of Francois Delsarte, and to sharing the truths and artistic value of his work.
If you are a student researching Delsarte, of if you are an artist interested in what the genuine work of Delsarte has to offer, please write me and ask any questions you like about Delsarte, his teachings, modern applications, or past usage. Below is my email. You will see that I offer master classes, seminars and lessons.
Joe Williams
My most highly trained dancer/Delsartean, Michael Novak, has been named Artistic Director for Paul Taylor Dance Company and Center for American Modern Dance.
A recent entry in my Articles and News section reports some research I have done, unmistakeably linking Fred Astaire and the Ziegfeld Follies to Delsarte. Please read about it!!
I have added a new link in my Favorite Links page. It leads to a remarkable Library of Nonverbal Communication site. Please take a look at it.
The Articles and News page is being regularly updated with ephemera I have accumulated over the years. Please visit and browse.